Me Ai Collab

I ask questions and artificial intelligence answers. Let's see what comes out of this!

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"Collab" in "Me Ai Collab"

I always thought "collab" was a recognized term, however if you google "collab" you'd been ask if you mean "colab", even tho' when googling "collab meaning" you'd get the actual result: "informal - noun - a collaboration" ... So I asked ChatGPT about this and it informed me that Google has a service called "Colab" which Google considers more popular than the conventional meaning of the word. Nice!

It doesn't seem very fair that Google manages definitions in favor of their service.

Upon consulting ChatGPT, it appears that, regardless of fairness, the algorithm prioritizes the popularity of "colab" over the actual meaning of the word in search results due to its higher user interest.

I asked ChatGPT for tips to make "collab" more popular in its true sense, and received suggestions for website optimization as a webmaster and ways to engage my fans in the process.

This is the whole chat with ChatGPT about "Collab".

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